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jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

One Day In the Future

Today is Wednesday,I am in the high sochool and our robot teacher go to give us the leangaua's lesson.He go to proyect with his electric eyes in the digital screen.
Now is quarter to three an I am going to the teleport stop of my house.I'm in my house an I'm doing my homework in my portatil tablet because I must to do this homework before the eight o'clok and send to the teacher.Then I go to play to my holographic computer.
Naw I must to go to my tennis class in my flying car and when I get out me and my family go to go to the automatic burger I love this restaurant because you hace the hambuger in less of minut.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

My Ideal Restaurant

The paintball restaurant (Eat Ball)
This restaurant has got a building and a very big field out. In this zone the people can eat and play paint-ball. Only that isn´t paint-ball. It is “eat-ball” because instead of the paint is ball of sweet and fish and instead of you catch a flag you catch a plate with food.
In the second zones, There are a small TV with film of wars and adventures as the wars of the worlds, table and chairs. You can choose a film and see eating a delicious snacks easy of eat with your fingers. It´s fantastic to spend an afternoon with you friends seeing films.
In the third zones, There is a big set with table around. There, The people sing rap and dances or make recreation of mythical films of wars. You can eat delicious food as fish, chips o meat with songs and dances.
Generally, it´s the best restaurant to spend the afternoon play “Eat-Ball”, see fantastic films of wars and dances or recreations with your friends.
The waiters: The waiters wear a war dress and a bulletproof jacket. He carry a little arms like a pistol or a UZI but they don´t shoot bullet, he shoot Lacasitos and the boss carry two grenades of chocolate.Thay must to transport the food with careful and in a secret bag and the customers of other table can shoot the waiters and steal he food so the customers must to choose they the waiters and take responsibilities and if you want are sure that the food will to be in your barrack you must to escort the waiters.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

A History of The Kracken

He opened th suitcase when he heared a noise.He went to the ship's deck but there isn't nothing.He searched but he didn't find nothing on the boat.He tried to forgot this but he couldn't.
Can the legend exist? Can that the Kracken exist really? He stayed up all night because was thinking this.

He thought if the Kracken exist there are news of it and it atack some boat.
He was going to this bed when the ship move bruscally.Some big,no enormus tentacles started to climb for the ship.He was fraightened and he didn't move because he had been paralized by the shock.Then the Kracken dropped and the ship sank for always while the boy cried.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Nightmares in the hotel ghost (special post and invented story)

I Opened my suitcase. My family and me had just come to the hotel ghost. We stayed in the room 666 while we were making a journey in USA. It was at nine o´clock. My family went to the restaurant. In the restaurant, there was a music band singing for the halloween´s party. They sang very well. The waiter were wearing fancy dress.

We were eating when the light switched off. I heard a shout. The light switched on and I saw the people had died. Only I was alive. Then, I heard a person singing a children's games's song. He was Freddy Krueger. I ran to my room . There, I was hiding when Freddy appeared and killed me. I got up from my bed. It was a nightmare, so I was blooding. Was it a nightmare or real? 

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

I want to be a soldier

This is a film of the spain´s director, Christian Molina. It is distributed for Canónigo films. It was opened on Rome Film Festival. The film is the story of the one boy called Alex, he is a good boy of 8 years old with a imaginary friend and the dream of the become an astronaut. One day, Alex suppilcated a TV for his bedroom. His parents, tired of the supplicates of Alex, present a TV. Two years ago with hours watching TV. Alex is a bad boy,disobedient,rude and violent with the dream of become a soldier.
The director want to see how the TV can changed a normal boy and the violents scenes that see the youngs actuality. 

The film is very good because it send a message for the parents and the children.The message for the parents is that they must care his sons and don’t leave their.The message for the children is that they don’t must play violent games for the computers or video games.They think that it isn’t important  but it´s yes .
For example: boys for E.E.U.U. are crazy for the video games and they kill a old women .They poured gasoline at the women,then he hit a beating her and then he threw a match. It´s horrible. In the film, Alex has got 2 imaginarys friends. One represent the good and the other represent the bad, the soldiers. They hit other boys, smoke and he insult her teacher. For a time he is good because he saw her mother is sad for them. But he saw that this don´t serve for nothing because the people think that he don’t change and he go back to be bad. Also the film show how the bad leads the bad, if you are bad with the people, they will be bad with you. It shows too how he wars is too useless, shows the worst side of the war, how the soldiers kill the innocent and civil people.

The trailer: